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Discover interesting national parks in Spain

Spain has a lot of nature parks where people can enjoy a nicely walk to discover its environment and its fauna. Most of them are protected zones so it is really a great way to refill new energy and to breathe fresh air.

Moreover, if you don’t forget your camera, you can hunt its flora and its inhabitants and by this way, bring back at home very great pictures.

The national park of Cabrera archipelago

It is situated at the south of the Mallorca Island and it is considered as one of the natural areas best preserved of the mediterranean so because of that, it was declared in 1991 as maritime terrestrial national park.

To go there, you will have to take a boat either at the harbor of Sant Jordi Colonia or Porto Petro.

The national park of Doñana

In 1994, it was declared as UNESCO World Heritage Site recognizing it as a biosphere reserve because it owns a great variety of flora and fauna including some delicate species as the spanish lynx. In fact, it is considered as the major ecological reserve of Europe and it is situated between Seville, Huelva and Cadiz. One of the interesting things is that an archeological team thought to have discovered the Atlantis situated in its swamp area and a documental was broadcasted in 2011.

The national park of Monfragüe

Located at Cáceres, the park is very famous because it shelters the major colony of black and griffon vultures of Europe. Declared in 2003 as UNESCO Biosphere reserve, you will find a great variety of birds like spanish imperial, golden and bonelli's eagle and you can discover the old paintings in the Castillo cave too.

The national park of the Atlantic Islands

This maritime terrestrial park is formed by different islands located in Galicia as Cies, Ons, Salvora and Cortegada. The main attraction of the area is its beaches, famous for its beauty.

The national park of Picos de Europa

The park is located between Asturias, Cantabria and Castile and Leon and it was one of the first national parks of Spain declared in 1918 by the king Alfonso XIII. It owns a great diversity of flora and fauna that in 2003, it was declared as UNESCO Biosphere reserve. You may cross animals like the capercaillie, the lammergeier, the cantabrian brown bear and the iberian wolf but you will have more chances to stumble on the pyrenean chamois.

The national park of Timanfaya

Declared as UNESCO Biosphere reserve in 1993, the area, situated at Lanzarote, has an abrupt and lunar landscape where its access is strictly regulated to protect its environment. Except the choice to do it by walking, you can also opt to do it by camel to discover its volcanoes, its geysers...